Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
You and I have just witnessed one of the most corrupt legislative
sessions in American history. Now we have learned that one of
the key "experts" pushing ObamaCare was also bought and paid for!
Please read below- Mat
The New York Times has exposed Jonathan Gruber, a professor
of economics at M.I.T., as having published an article on their
Op-Ed page supporting ObamaCare without disclosing that he had
an ongoing consulting relationship with HHS.
The Times noted that Professor Gruber had signed a contract
obligating him to reveal such relationships. It would have
been impossible for him to "forget" his consultancy - he had
nearly $400,000 worth of lucrative contracts with HHS at the time!
++But wait - it gets much, much worse...
Popular blog site Firedoglake revealed last Friday that the
Obama Administration has paid Gruber more than $780,000 in TAX
DOLLARS to make the public case for health care reform!
Jonathan Gruber's work has been extensively cited by the White
House, Members of Congress, and the media continuously since
ObamaCare came onto the scene, but NOT ONCE did anyone in
the administration disclose he was on their payroll!
Here's Gruber's lame explanation: "All my editorials or
public reports have been done on my own time." I guess
he expects us to believe that his views weren't influenced
by the nearly one million dollars he's gotten so far!
++More "Chicago on the Potomac"
The Jonathan Gruber revelation is just the latest public exposure
of the graft and dishonesty which has characterized the way the
Obama/Pelosi/Reid power axis has advanced ObamaCare. Given
what we know, can you imagine what else is under the table?!
Just before Christmas, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid
ystematically bought off every Democrat member of the Senate who
could possibly derail his crucial cloture vote. When all the
"bribes" were handed out, Reid had the required 60 votes to
choke off debate in the middle of the night.
The congressional leadership and the Obama White House arm
twisters have literally drug our nation down to the level of
a cheap banana republic! They know their popular support is
plummeting. They have become desperate and will stop at nothing.
Honest Americans have been nauseated as we have learned:
** Senator Mary Landrieu (D-LA) received $300 million in extra
federal spending for her state in what critics derisively
called "The Louisiana Purchase."
** Senator Ben Nelson (D-NE) accepted a deal exempting his state
from new Medicaid costs and several other long-term perks.
Nelson's purchase has been dubbed the "Cornhusker Kick Back."
** Many other bribes and "special provisions" affected the states
of Vermont, North and South Dakota, Wyoming, Massachusetts,
Hawaii, Michigan, Florida, and Connecticut.
But perhaps most painful of all, we have watched a smug Harry
Reid justifying his corrupt acts by suggesting it is every
senator's DUTY to get pay-offs for their votes!
"If they don't have something in it important to them, then it
doesn't speak well of them," Reid said in a post-cloture interview.
So much for the integrity of the United States Senate!
++On top of all the corruption, ObamaCare is unconstitutional
If you wondered why Harry Reid rushed his 2,074-page bill and its
383-page "Manager's Amendment" through in the middle of the night
with just hours to read them, then here's at least one answer...
Right there on page 1,020, the tyrannical Senate majority
insists that no future Congress can repeal or otherwise
amend the section on "Independent Medical Advisory
You will probably remember that socialists mocked Governor Sarah
Palin for calling such independent boards "death panels." Yet
Governor Palin was correct in her assessment - what else would
you call boards with the power to grant or deny life-saving care
using some pseudo-scientific "cost-benefit" formula?
Carefully hidden away in Reid's version of ObamaCare is a section
that gives these boards far more power and permanence than the
Constitution allows to ANY government entity!
++ If this bill becomes law, Liberty Counsel will challenge its
constitutionality in court!
Every version of ObamaCare we've seen so far is unconstitutional
1) Congress has NO authority to force every American to
carry insurance coverage, and,
2) Congress has NO authority to fine employers whose
policies do not have the mandated coverage.
Nancy, if this monstrous healthcare bill passes, it must
be strongly challenged in the federal judiciary from the moment
of its birth. Liberty Counsel will do exactly that!
++But for now, especially since there is an increasing outcry
against ObamaCare's corruption, we MUST continue to make Congress
hear our voice!
We are going all out to BURY Congress in protest over
this endless procession of dirty tricks. And it looks like
ObamaCare is more vulnerable than ever due to the recent
sordid revelations of bribery and scandal.
Americans nationwide are expressing OUTRAGE at this overt
manipulation and total lack of integrity. Reid, Pelosi and
Obama have proven they will do anything to get this government
takeover of our medical industry.
Now more than ever, the socialists and abortion advocates need
to understand that WE HAVE NOT GIVEN UP and will resist to the
very end! If Reid loses one vote in the Senate or Pelosi three
or four in the House, then ObamaCare will not pass!
Here's what I'm asking you to do...
#1 - Fax Your Senators TODAY!
Even if you have done so many times already, help us continue
flooding Senate offices with protests until the final bill passes
or the liberal coalition cracks. Go here right now:
Of course, we always encourage you to send your own faxes if you
prefer. We have provided all the information you need to reach
the key senators here:
#2 - Fax Your Representative and Key "Blue Dog" and Pro-Life
Members of the House TODAY!
Even though Congress has not yet re-convened in 2010, staffers
and their Members are keeping a keen eye on message traffic.
They know this bill is hanging by a thread!
#3 - Continue to pray that this bill will be miraculously derailed.
Pray for God's deliverance from being forced to pay for abortions
and from the overt deceit and trickery that has become the norm
from the Obama/Pelosi/Reid power axis. PLEASE keep the heat on,
especially now that we have been shoved aside! Go here to raise
your voice in protest:
Now is NOT the time to be silent. Join like-minded Americans
who will make the 111th Congress realize that this power-play
WILL be the undoing of anyone who votes for the ObamaCare
Abortion Bill!
God bless you,
Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
P.S. This battle is not over, no matter how much the Pelosi/Reid/Obama
power axis wants us to think that it is. Now that there are
nearly daily revelations of corruption and a number of serious
challenges to ObamaCare's constitutionality, anything can happen!
Cop Caught “Shaking It Off”
10 years ago
1 comment:
Keep posting stuff like this i really like it
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